int response = NengoGraphics.FileChooser.showOpenDialog();
if (response == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
file = NengoGraphics.FileChooser.getSelectedFile();
TrackedAction loadActivity = new TrackedAction("Loading network") {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected void action() throws ActionException {
if (file.getName().endsWith(".py")) {
try {
NengoGraphics.getInstance().getProgressIndicator().start("Running "+file.getPath());
NengoGraphics.getInstance().getScriptConsole().addVariable("scriptname", file.getPath());
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
if (e.toString()=="ca.nengo.ui.util.ScriptInterruptException") {
UserMessages.showDialog("Stopped","Stopped opening "+file.getName());
} else {
UserMessages.showError("Runtime exception:<br>" + e);
try {
// loading Python-based objects requires using a
// PythonObjectInputStream from within a
// PythonInterpreter.
// loading sometimes fails if a new interpreter is
// created, so
// we use the one from the NengoGraphics.
PythonInterpreter pi = NengoGraphics.getInstance().getPythonInterpreter();
new PythonObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)));
org.python.core.PyObject obj = pi.eval("___inStream.readObject()");
objLoaded = obj.__tojava__(Class.forName("ca.nengo.model.Node"));
pi.exec("del ___inStream");
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (objLoaded != null) {
try {
} catch (ActionException e) {
UserMessages.showWarning("Could not add node: "
+ e.getMessage());
objLoaded = null;
} catch (IOException e) {
UserMessages.showError("IO Exception loading file");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
UserMessages.showError("Class not found");
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
UserMessages.showError("Incorrect file version");
} catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
UserMessages.showError("Out of memory loading file");
} catch (org.python.core.PyException e) {
PyClass pyClass = (PyClass) e.type;
String value = e.value.toString();
if (pyClass.__name__.equals("ImportError")) {
if (value.equals("no module named main")) {
UserMessages.showError("Error: this file was "
+ "built using Python class definitions that "
+ "cannot be found.<br>To fix this problem, "
+ "make a '' file in 'simulator-ui/lib/Lib' "
+ "<br>and place the required python class definitions "
+ "inside.");
} else if (value.startsWith("no module named ")) {
UserMessages.showError("Error: this file was "
+ "built using Python class definitions in <br>a file "
+ "named " + value.substring(16) + ", which"
+ "cannot be found.<br>To fix this problem, please "
+ "place this file in 'simulator-ui/lib/Lib'.");
} else {
UserMessages.showError("Python error interpretting file:<br>" + e);
} else if (pyClass.__name__.equals("AttributeError")) {
String attr = value.substring(value.lastIndexOf(' ') + 1);
UserMessages.showError("Error: this file uses a Python "
+ "definition of the class " + attr + ", but this definition "
+ "cannot be found.<br>If this class was defined in a "
+ "separate .py file, please place this file in "
+ "'simulator-ui/lib/Lib'.<br>Otherwise, please place the "
+ "class definition in 'simulator-ui/lib/Lib/' "
+ "and restart the simulator.");
} else {
UserMessages.showError("Python error interpretting file:<br>" + e);
} catch (Exception e) {
UserMessages.showError("Unexpected exception loading file");
protected void postAction() {