Package ca.eandb.jmist.framework.geometry

Examples of ca.eandb.jmist.framework.geometry.MeshBuilder

    double starPointRadius = halfTableWidth * (1.0 - cut.relStarLength)
        + radius * cut.relStarLength;
    double lowerGirdleInner = radius * (1.0 - cut.relLowerHalfLength);

    MeshBuilder b = MeshBuilder.fromCylinder(radius, -culetBottom, 64);
    b.translate(new Vector3(0, 0, culetBottom));

    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {

      double theta0 = 2.0 * Math.PI * ((double) i) / 8.0;
      double theta1 = 2.0 * Math.PI * (((double) i) + 0.5) / 8.0;
      double theta2 = 2.0 * Math.PI * (((double) i) + 1.0) / 8.0;
      double theta3 = 2.0 * Math.PI * (((double) i) + 1.5) / 8.0;
      double cost0 = Math.cos(theta0);
      double sint0 = Math.sin(theta0);
      double cost1 = Math.cos(theta1);
      double sint1 = Math.sin(theta1);
      double cost2 = Math.cos(theta2);
      double sint2 = Math.sin(theta2);
      double cost3 = Math.cos(theta3);
      double sint3 = Math.sin(theta3);

      Point3 p = new Point3(halfTableDiag * cost1, halfTableDiag * sint1, 0.0);
      Point3 q = new Point3(radius * cost1, radius * sint1, -crownHeight);
      Point3 r;

      Basis3 basis = Basis3.fromUW(p.vectorTo(q), Vector3.K);
      Plane3 planeKite = Plane3.throughPoint(p, basis);

      b.slice(planeKite, true);

      q = new Point3(halfTableDiag * cost3, halfTableDiag * sint3, 0.0);
      r = new Point3(starPointRadius * cost2, starPointRadius * sint2, 0.0);

      Ray3 ray = new Ray3(r, Vector3.K);
      r = ray.pointAt(planeKite.intersect(ray));

      Plane3 planeStar = Plane3.throughPoints(q, p, r);
      b.slice(planeStar, true);

      p = new Point3(radius * cost2, radius * sint2, -crownHeight);
      q = new Point3(radius * cost1, radius * sint1, -crownHeight);

      Plane3 planeGirdle = Plane3.throughPoints(q, p, r);
      b.slice(planeGirdle, true);

      q = new Point3(radius * cost3, radius * sint3, -crownHeight);
      planeGirdle = Plane3.throughPoints(p, q, r);
      b.slice(planeGirdle, true);

      p = new Point3(radius * cost1, radius * sint1, lowerMainTop);
      q = new Point3(0.0, 0.0, lowerMainTop - pavilionPointDepth);
      basis = Basis3.fromUW(p.vectorTo(q), Vector3.NEGATIVE_K);

      Plane3 planeMain = Plane3.throughPoint(p, basis);
      b.slice(planeMain, true);

      q = new Point3(radius * cost0, radius * sint0, lowerMainTop);
      r = new Point3(lowerGirdleInner * cost0, lowerGirdleInner * sint0, 0.0);
      ray = new Ray3(r, Vector3.NEGATIVE_K);
      r = ray.pointAt(planeMain.intersect(ray));

      planeGirdle = Plane3.throughPoints(p, q, r);
      b.slice(planeGirdle, true);

      q = new Point3(radius * cost2, radius * sint2, lowerMainTop);
      r = new Point3(lowerGirdleInner * cost2, lowerGirdleInner * sint2, 0.0);
      ray = new Ray3(r, Vector3.NEGATIVE_K);
      r = ray.pointAt(planeMain.intersect(ray));
      planeGirdle = Plane3.throughPoints(q, p, r);
      b.slice(planeGirdle, true);


    return b;

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Related Classes of ca.eandb.jmist.framework.geometry.MeshBuilder

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