An immutable implementation of ntk:Access.
{@ddms.versions 00010}
In JSON output, an extra layer is added around the individualList and groupList, to make the output consistent with the profileList.
{@table.header History}
This class was introduced to support NTK components in DDMS 4.1. Those components are no longer a part of DDMS 5.0.
{@table.footer}{@table.header Nested Elements}{ ntk:AccessIndividualList/ntk:AccessIndividual|0..*|00010}{ ntk:AccessGroupList/ntk:AccessGroup|0..*|00010}{ ntk:AccessProfileList|0..1|00010}{@table.footer}{@table.header Attributes}{ ntk:externalReference|0..1|00010}{ ism:classification|1|00010}{ ism:ownerProducer|1..*|00010}{ ism:<
securityAttributes>|0..*|00010}{@table.footer}{@table.header Validation Rules}{@ddms.rule Component must not be used before the DDMS version in which it was introduced.|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule The qualified name of this element must be correct.|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule ism:classification must exist.|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule ism:ownerProducer must exist.|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule This component can be used with no values set.|Warning|11111}{@ddms.rule ntk:externalReference may cause issues for DDMS 4.0.1 systems.|Warning|00010}{@table.footer}
@author Brian Uri!
@since 2.0.0