A revisionRecall element will either contain free child text describing the recall, or a set of link and details elements.
{@table.header History}The network and otherNetwork attributes originated from DDMS 4.x's import of IC-COMMON. IC-COMMON was replaced by VIRT in DDMS 5.0, dropping otherNetwork, and moving network into the virt namespace.
{@table.footer}{@table.header Nested Elements}{@child.info ddms:link|0..*|00011}{@child.info ddms:details|0..*|00011}{@table.footer}{@table.header Attributes}{@child.info ddms:revisionID|1|00011}{@child.info ddms:revisionType|1|00011}{@child.info network|0..1|00010}{@child.info virt:network|0..1|00001}{@child.info otherNetwork|0..1|00010}{@child.info ism:classification|1|00011}{@child.info ism:ownerProducer|1..*|00011}{@child.info xlink:<xlinkAttributes>|0..*|00011}{@child.info ism:<securityAttributes>|0..*|00011} {@table.footer}{@table.header Validation Rules}{@ddms.rule Component must not be used before the DDMS version in which it was introduced.|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule The qualified name of this element must be correct.|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule A valid component must not have both non-empty child text and nested elements.|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule All ddms:links must have security attributes.|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule The revisionID must be a valid Integer.|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule The revisionType must be a valid type token.|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule If set, xlink:type must have a value of "resource".|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule If set, network or virt:network must be a valid network token.|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule network and otherNetwork must not be used after the DDMS version in which they were removed.|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule ism:classification must exist.|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule ism:ownerProducer must exist.|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule ism:classification must exist on any ddms:links.|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule ism:ownerProducer must exist on any ddms:links.|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule Warnings from any XLink attributes are claimed by this component.|Warning|11111}{@table.footer} @author Brian Uri! @since 2.0.0