Base class for DDMS elements which are an approximable date, such as ddms:dates/ddms:acquiredOn.
{@ddms.versions 00011}
The structure of this class diverges from the usual DDMSence approach of selecting which DDMS components are implemented as Java classes. The ApproximableDateType, introduced in DDMS 4.1, is directly reused in three locations in the DDMS schema, so it is implemented as a final class rather than an Abstract class. It contains one wrapper element, ddms:searchableDate, which is not implemented as a Java class.
This type also contains one element, ddms:approximableDate, which should be implemented as a Java class, since it contains an attribute. To simplify the class structure, this element and its attribute are collapsed into this Java class.
{@table.header History}None. {@table.footer}{@table.header Nested Elements}{ ddms:description|0..1|00011}{ ddms:approximableDate|0..1|00011}{ ddms:searchableDate/ddms:start|0..1|00011}{ ddms:searchableDate/ddms:end|0..1|00011}{@table.footer}{@table.header Attributes}{ ddms:approximableDate/@ddms:approximation|0..1|00011}{@table.footer}{@table.header Validation Rules}{@ddms.rule Component must not be used before the DDMS version in which it was introduced.|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule The qualified name of this element must be correct.|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule If set, the ddms:approximableDate must adhere to a valid date format.|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule If set, the ddms:approximableDate/@ddms:approximation is a valid token.|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule If set, the ddms:searchableDate/ddms:start must adhere to a valid date format.|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule If set, the ddms:searchableDate/ddms:end must adhere to a valid date format.|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule This component can be used with no values set.|Warning|11111}{@table.footer}
@author Brian Uri!
@since 2.1.0