LOGGER.debug("Skipping URLs from not-good domain: " + domain);
emptyQueue(_urls, GroupingKey.SKIPPED_GROUPING_KEY, _collector, _flowProcess);
} else {
BaseRobotRules robotRules = RobotUtils.getRobotRules(_fetcher, _parser, new URL(domainInfo.getProtocolAndDomain() + "/robots.txt"));
String validKey = null;
boolean isDeferred = robotRules.isDeferVisits();
if (isDeferred) {
LOGGER.debug("Deferring visits to URLs from " + domainInfo.getDomain());
_flowProcess.increment(FetchCounters.DOMAINS_DEFERRED, 1);
} else {
validKey = GroupingKey.makeGroupingKey(domainInfo.getHostAddress(), robotRules.getCrawlDelay());
_flowProcess.increment(FetchCounters.DOMAINS_FINISHED, 1);
// Use the same key for every URL from this domain
GroupedUrlDatum datum;
while ((datum = _urls.poll()) != null) {
ScoredUrlDatum scoreUrl;
FetchCounters counter;
String url = datum.getUrl();
if (isDeferred) {
counter = FetchCounters.URLS_DEFERRED;
scoreUrl = new ScoredUrlDatum(url, GroupingKey.DEFERRED_GROUPING_KEY, UrlStatus.SKIPPED_DEFERRED, 0.0);
} else if (!robotRules.isAllowed(url)) {
counter = FetchCounters.URLS_BLOCKED;
scoreUrl = new ScoredUrlDatum(url, GroupingKey.BLOCKED_GROUPING_KEY, UrlStatus.SKIPPED_BLOCKED, 0.0);
} else {
double score = _scorer.generateScore(domain, pld, datum);
if (score == BaseScoreGenerator.SKIP_SCORE) {