public FetchPipe(Pipe urlProvider, BaseScoreGenerator scorer, BaseFetcher fetcher, BaseFetcher robotsFetcher, BaseRobotsParser parser,
BaseFetchJobPolicy fetchJobPolicy, int numReducers) {
Pipe robotsPipe = new Each(urlProvider, new GroupFunction(new GroupByDomain()));
robotsPipe = new GroupBy("Grouping URLs by IP/delay", robotsPipe, GroupedUrlDatum.getGroupingField());
robotsPipe = new Every(robotsPipe, new FilterAndScoreByUrlAndRobots(robotsFetcher, parser, scorer), Fields.RESULTS);
// Split into records for URLs that are special (not fetchable) and regular
SplitterAssembly splitter = new SplitterAssembly(robotsPipe, new SplitIntoSpecialAndRegularKeys());
// Now generate sets of URLs to fetch. We'll wind up with all URLs for the same server & the same crawl delay,