Package bibliothek.util

Examples of bibliothek.util.Path

    // need to reset
    List<Location> history = getPropertyHistory( dockable.intern() );
    CLocationMode next = null;
    for( int i = history.size()-1; i >= 0 && next == null; i-- ){
      Location check = history.get( i );
      Path path = check.getMode();
      String root = check.getRoot();
      if( path != null && root != null ){
        CLocationMode mode = getMode( path );
        if( mode != null ){
          CStation<?> station = control.getOwner().getStation( root );
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            DockableEntry entry = new DockableEntry();
            dockables.add( entry );
   = in.readUTF();
            if( in.readBoolean() ){
              String key = in.readUTF();
                entry.current = version7 ? resuceMode( key ) : new Path( key );
            entry.history = new Path[ in.readInt() ];
            for( int j = 0; j < entry.history.length; j++ ){
              String key = in.readUTF();
                entry.history[j] = version7 ? resuceMode( key ) : new Path( key );
            if( version7 ){
              int count = 0;
              for( int j = 0; j < entry.history.length; j++ ){
                if( entry.history[j] != null ){
              if( count != entry.history.length ){
                Path[] temp = entry.history;
                entry.history = new Path[ count ];
                int index = 0;
                for( int j = 0; j < temp.length; j++ ){
                  if( temp[j] != null ){
                    entry.history[ index++ ] = temp[j];
   = new HashMap<Path, B>();
            for( int j = 0, m = in.readInt(); j<m; j++ ){
              String key = in.readUTF();
              Path mode = version7 ? resuceMode( key ) : new Path( key );
              B property = converter.readProperty( in );
              if( mode != null ){
       mode, property );
        // new since 1.0.8
        if( version7 ){
            rescueSettings( in, version );
          for( int i = 0, n = in.readInt(); i<n; i++ ){
            Path id = new Path( in.readUTF() );
            int count = in.readInt();
            byte[] content = new byte[ count ];
            int offset = 0;
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            DockableEntry entry = new DockableEntry();
            dockables.add( entry );
   = xentry.getString( "id" );
            XAttribute current = xentry.getAttribute( "current" );
            if( current != null )
              entry.current = new Path( current.getString() );

            XElement xhistory = xentry.getElement( "history" );
            if( xhistory == null )
              entry.history = new Path[]{};
              XElement[] xmodes = xhistory.getElements( "mode" );
              entry.history = new Path[ xmodes.length ];
              for( int i = 0; i < xmodes.length; i++ )
                entry.history[i] = new Path( xmodes[i].getString() );

            XElement xproperties = xentry.getElement( "properties" );
   = new HashMap<Path, B>();
            if( xproperties != null ){
              for( XElement xproperty : xproperties.getElements( "property" )){
       new Path( xproperty.getString( "id" )), converter.readPropertyXML( xproperty ) );
        XElement melement = element.getElement( "modes" );
        if( melement != null ){
          for( XElement xmode : melement.getElements( "entry" )){
            Path id = new Path( xmode.getString( "id" ));
            ModeSettingFactory<A> factory = factories.get( id );
            if( factory != null ){
              ModeSetting<A> setting = factory.create();
     xmode, converter );
              modes.put( setting.getModeId(), setting );
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                CColorBridgeExtension.EXTENSION_NAME, CColorBridgeExtension.class, CColorBridgeExtension.PARAMETER_NAME, this );
            List<CColorBridgeExtension> extensions = controller.getExtensions().load( name );
            for( Map.Entry<Path, ColorBridgeFactory> entry : colorBridgeFactories.entrySet() ){
                ColorBridge bridge = entry.getValue().create( colors );
                Path key = entry.getKey();
                List<CColorBridgeExtension> filtered = new ArrayList<CColorBridgeExtension>();
                for( CColorBridgeExtension extension : extensions ){
                  if( key.equals( extension.getKey() )){
                    filtered.add( extension );

                if( !filtered.isEmpty() ){
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                  temporary.add( key );
            if( entry != null ){
                Path current = settings.getCurrent( i );
                Path old = null;
                if( entry.dockable != null ){
                  M oldMode = getCurrentMode( entry.dockable );
                  if( oldMode != null ){
                    old = oldMode.getUniqueIdentifier();
                if( current == null )
                    current = old;
                for( Path next : settings.getHistory( i ))
                    entry.history.add( next );
       = settings.getProperties( i );
                if( (old == null && current != null) || (old != null && !old.equals( current ))){
                    applyDuringRead( key, old, current, entry.dockable );
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        public void putMode( ModeHandle mode ){
          if( mode != null ){
            ModeHandle oldMode = peekMode();
              if( oldMode != mode ){
                Path id = mode.mode.getUniqueIdentifier();
                addToHistory( id, mode.mode.current( dockable ) );
                rebuild( dockable );
                fireModeChanged( dockable, oldMode == null ? null : oldMode.mode, mode.mode );
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    // find current location
    LocationModeManagerPerspective manager = perspective.getLocationManager();
    Location location = manager.getLocation( dockable );
    Path mode = null;
    if( location == null ) {
      ExtendedMode eMode = manager.getMode( dockable );
      if( eMode != null ) {
        mode = eMode.getModeIdentifier();
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     * @param combiner how to combine paths of models and of preferences
    public CPreferenceModel( CControl control, PathCombiner combiner ){
        super( combiner, control.getController() );
        DockController controller = control.intern().getController();
        putLinked( new Path( "shortcuts" ), "preference.shortcuts", new CKeyStrokePreferenceModel( controller.getProperties() ) );
        putLinked( new Path( "buttonContent" ), "preference.buttonContent", new ButtonContentPreferenceModel( controller ) );
        putLinked( new Path( "layout" ), "preference.layout", new CLayoutPreferenceModel( control ));
        putLinked( new Path( "layout.BubbleTheme" ), "theme.bubble", new BubbleThemePreferenceModel( controller.getProperties() ));
        putLinked( new Path( "layout.EclipseTheme" ), "theme.eclipse", new EclipseThemePreferenceModel( controller.getProperties() ));
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     * Grants access to the preferences concerning the global {@link KeyStroke}s.
     * @return the model, not <code>null</code>
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the model was removed or replaced by the client
    public CKeyStrokePreferenceModel getKeyStrokePreferences(){
      PreferenceModel model = getModel( new Path( "shortcuts" ) );
      if( model instanceof CKeyStrokePreferenceModel ){
        return (CKeyStrokePreferenceModel)model;
        throw new IllegalStateException( "this model has been removed" );
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     * Grants access to the preferences concerning layout options like "where are the tabs placed?".
     * @return the model, not <code>null</code>
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the model was removed or replaced by the client
    public CLayoutPreferenceModel getLayoutPreferences(){
      PreferenceModel model = getModel( new Path( "layout" ) );
      if( model instanceof CLayoutPreferenceModel ){
        return (CLayoutPreferenceModel)model;
        throw new IllegalStateException( "this model has been removed" );
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Related Classes of bibliothek.util.Path

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