try {
if (!ServiceValidator.isEngineReady(engineServices, secondsToWait)) {
log.warn("engine services not found withing " + secondsToWait + " seconds");
// timeout in CountDownLatch
throw new VirtualEngineServiceException(
"The required services for the engine were "
+ "not available within " + secondsToWait
+ "s after starting the vm. If using a debian/"
+ "ubuntu system, make sure to delete the "
+ "'/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules'"
+ "file before exporting the appliance. "
+ "If this error occurs "
+ "repeatedly, please import the vm manually"
+ " with a valid snapshot in 'Running' state.");
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
throw new VirtualEngineServiceException("Could not verify "
+ "engine service availability. At least one address is "
+ "invalid: ", e);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new VirtualEngineServiceException("interrupted", e);