// Add test spout
builder.setSpout("spout", new TestSpout(), 1);
// Build TupleTableConifg
TupleTableConfig config = new TupleTableConfig("shorturl", "shortid");
* By default the HBaseCountersBolt will use the tuple output fields value
* to set the CQ name. For example if the 'date' output field exists in the
* tuple then its value (e.g. "YYYYMMDD") will be used to set the counters
* CQ. However, the 'clicks' output field does not exist in the tuple so in
* this case the counters CQ will be set to the given field name 'clicks'.
config.addColumn("data", "clicks");
config.addColumn("daily", "date");
// Add HBaseBolt
builder.setBolt("hbase-counters", new HBaseCountersBolt(config), 1)