// find the subscription manager service
if ( m_subscriptionManagerService == null )
// create the locator used to find the subscription manager
SubscriptionManagerServiceLocator subMgrLocator = new SubscriptionManagerServiceLocator( );
// determine the subscription manager URL assuming it is in the same SOAP engine as the consumer
URL subMgrUrl =
new URL( getBaseEndpointUrl( ) + "/" + SubscriptionManagerServiceWSResource.PORT_NAME );
// get the client-side stub to the subscription manager service
m_subscriptionManagerService =
(SubscriptionManagerHttpBindingStub) subMgrLocator.getSubscriptionManagerPort( subMgrUrl );
// tell the subcription manager to cancel the subscription
m_subscriptionManagerService.setResourceId( AxisGenTypesUtils.getResourceId( subscriptionEprs[i] ) );
m_subscriptionManagerService.destroy( null );