
Examples of$Attribute

                                    skey.textToShow = trans.get(f);
                                    f = org.size();

                            Attribute a;
                            if ((a = keyEl.getAttribute(length)) != null)
                                skey.keyWidth = Integer.parseInt(a.getValue());

                        } else
                            line.add(SpecialKey.getKeyboardKey(fontName, special));
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                                // _blank _self _parent _top
                                if( !token.equals(TARGET)
                                        || Arrays.binarySearch( PERMITTED_TARGET_VALUES, value ) >= 0 )
                                    Attribute a = new Attribute(token,value);
                                    throw new ParseException("unknown target attribute value='"
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                sb.append( ' ' );
                sb.append( '|' );
                Iterator it = getAttributes();
                while ( it.hasNext() )
                    Attribute a = (Attribute);
                    sb.append( ' ' );
                    sb.append( a.getName() );
                    sb.append( '=' );
                    sb.append( '\'' );
                    sb.append( a.getValue() );
                    sb.append( '\'' );
            sb.append( ']' );
            return sb.toString();
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            Object childElement =;
            if( childElement instanceof Element )
                Element element = (Element)childElement;
                String elementName = element.getName().toLowerCase();
                Attribute classAttr = element.getAttribute( CLASS_ATTRIBUTE );

                if( elementName.equals( A_ELEMENT ) )
                    if( classAttr != null )
                        String classValue = classAttr.getValue();
                        Attribute hrefAttr = element.getAttribute( HREF_ATTRIBUTE );

                        XHtmlToWikiConfig wikiConfig = new XHtmlToWikiConfig( m_context );

                        // Get the url for wiki page link - it's typically "Wiki.jsp?page=MyPage"
                        // or when using the ShortURLConstructor option, it's "wiki/MyPage" .
                        String wikiPageLinkUrl = wikiConfig.getWikiJspPage();
                        String editPageLinkUrl = wikiConfig.getEditJspPage();

                        if( classValue.equals( WIKIPAGE )
                            || ( hrefAttr != null && hrefAttr.getValue().startsWith( wikiPageLinkUrl ) ) )
                            // Remove the leading url string so that users will only see the
                            // wikipage's name when editing an existing wiki link.
                            // For example, change "Wiki.jsp?page=MyPage" to just "MyPage".
                            String newHref = hrefAttr.getValue().substring( wikiPageLinkUrl.length() );

                            // Convert "This%20Pagename%20Has%20Spaces" to "This Pagename Has Spaces"
                            newHref = m_context.getEngine().decodeName( newHref );

                            // Handle links with section anchors.
                            // For example, we need to translate the html string "TargetPage#section-TargetPage-Heading2"
                            // to this wiki string: "TargetPage#Heading2".
                            hrefAttr.setValue( newHref.replaceFirst( LINKS_SOURCE, LINKS_TRANSLATION ) );
                        else if( hrefAttr != null && (classValue.equals( EDITPAGE ) ||
                                                      hrefAttr.getValue().startsWith( editPageLinkUrl ) ) )
                            Attribute titleAttr = element.getAttribute( TITLE_ATTRIBUTE );
                            if( titleAttr != null )
                                // remove the title since we don't want to eventually save the default undefined page title.

                            String newHref = hrefAttr.getValue().substring( editPageLinkUrl.length() );
                            newHref = m_context.getEngine().decodeName( newHref );
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        if( el != null && attributes != null )
            while( attributes.hasNext() )
                Attribute attr = (Attribute);
                if( attr != null )
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    this.ncFile.addAttribute( null, qcFlagsAtt );

    // Add some general metadata in global attributes.
    this.ncFile.addAttribute( null, new Attribute( "title",
                                                   new StringBuffer("NGDC archived ")
                                                   .append( datasetIdAtt.getStringValue())
                                                   .append( " data with start time ")
                                                   .append( startDateAtt.getStringValue())
    this.ncFile.addAttribute( null, new Attribute( "Convention", _Coordinate.Convention));

    // Add some THREDDS specific metadata in global attributes.
    this.ncFile.addAttribute( null, new Attribute( "thredds_creator", "DOD/USAF/SMC > Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC), U.S. Air Force, U.S. Department of Defense"));
    this.ncFile.addAttribute( null, new Attribute( "thredds_contributor", "DOC/NOAA/NESDIS/NGDC > National Geophysical Data Center, NESDIS, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce"));
    this.ncFile.addAttribute( null, new Attribute( "thredds_contributor_role", "archive"));
    this.ncFile.addAttribute( null, new Attribute( "thredds_publisher", "DOC/NOAA/NESDIS/NGDC > National Geophysical Data Center, NESDIS, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce"));
    this.ncFile.addAttribute( null, new Attribute( "thredds_publisher_url", ""));
    this.ncFile.addAttribute( null, new Attribute( "thredds_publisher_email", ""));
    this.ncFile.addAttribute( null, new Attribute( "thredds_summary",
                                                   new StringBuffer("This dataset contains data from the DMSP ").append( spacecraftIdAtt.getStringValue())
                                                   .append( " satellite OLS instrument and includes both visible smooth and thermal smooth imagery with 2.7km resolution.")
                                                   .append( " The start time for this data is ").append( startDateAtt.getStringValue())
                                                   .append( " and the northerly equatorial crossing longitude is ").append( startLongitudeAtt.getNumericValue())
                                                   .append( ".  The DMSP satellite is a polar-orbiting satellite crossing the equator, depending on the satellite, at either dawn/dusk or noon/midnight.")
                                                   .append( " This data is in the NOAA/NGDC DMSP archive format.")
    this.ncFile.addAttribute( null, new Attribute( "thredds_history", ""));
    this.ncFile.addAttribute( null, new Attribute( "thredds_timeCoverage_start", startDateAtt.getStringValue()));
    this.ncFile.addAttribute( null, new Attribute( "thredds_timeCoverage_end", endDateAtt.getStringValue()));
    this.ncFile.addAttribute( null, new Attribute( "thredds_geospatialCoverage",
                                                   new StringBuffer("Polar orbit with northerly equatorial crossing at longitude ")
                                                   .append( ascendingNodeAtt.getNumericValue()).append( ".")

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   * @throws IOException if any problems reading the file (or validating the file).
  private void handleFileInformation()
          throws IOException
    fileIdAtt = new Attribute( this.fileIdAttName,
                               (String) headerInfo.get( HeaderInfoTitle.FILE_ID.toString() ) );
    datasetIdAtt = new Attribute( this.datasetIdAttName,
                                  (String) headerInfo.get( HeaderInfoTitle.DATA_SET_ID.toString() ) );
    recordSizeInBytes = Integer.parseInt( (String) headerInfo.get( HeaderInfoTitle.RECORD_BYTES.toString() ) );
    numRecords = Integer.parseInt( (String) headerInfo.get( HeaderInfoTitle.NUM_RECORDS.toString() ) );
    numHeaderRecords = Integer.parseInt( (String) headerInfo.get( HeaderInfoTitle.NUM_HEADER_RECORDS.toString() ) );
    numDataRecords = Integer.parseInt( (String) headerInfo.get( HeaderInfoTitle.NUM_DATA_RECORDS.toString() ) );
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   * @throws IOException if any problems reading the file (or validating the file).
  private void handleProcessingInformation()
          throws IOException
    suborbitHistoryAtt = new Attribute( this.suborbitHistoryAttName,
                                        (String) headerInfo.get( HeaderInfoTitle.SUBORBIT_HISTORY.toString() ) );
    processingSystemAtt = new Attribute( this.processingSystemAttName,
                                         (String) headerInfo.get( HeaderInfoTitle.PROCESSING_SYSTEM.toString() ) );
    String processingDateString = (String) headerInfo.get( HeaderInfoTitle.PROCESSING_DATE.toString() );
      processingDate = DateFormatHandler.ALT_DATE_TIME.getDateFromDateTimeString( processingDateString );
    catch ( ParseException e )
      throw new IOException( "Invalid DMSP file: processing date string <" + processingDateString + "> not parseable: " + e.getMessage() );
    processingDateAtt = new Attribute(
            DateFormatHandler.ISO_DATE_TIME.getDateTimeStringFromDate( processingDate ) );
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   * Parse the satellite information from the header.
  private void handleSatelliteInformation()
    spacecraftIdAtt = new Attribute(
            (String) headerInfo.get( HeaderInfoTitle.SPACECRAFT_ID.toString() ) );
    noradIdAtt = new Attribute(
            (String) headerInfo.get( HeaderInfoTitle.NORAD_ID.toString() ) );
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    catch ( ParseException e )
      throw new IOException( "Invalid DMSP file: start date/time string <" + startDateTimeUTC + "> not parseable: " + e.getMessage() );
    this.startDateAtt = new Attribute( this.startDateAttName,
                                       DateFormatHandler.ISO_DATE_TIME.getDateTimeStringFromDate( this.startDate));

    // Read the end date UTC information.
    time = (String) headerInfo.getHeaderInfoTitle.END_TIME_UTC.toString());
    String endDateTimeUTC = (String) headerInfo.getHeaderInfoTitle.END_DATE_UTC.toString())
                            + "T" + time.substring( 0, time.indexOf( '.')+4)
                            + "GMT";
      this.endDate = DateFormatHandler.ISO_DATE_TIME.getDateFromDateTimeString( endDateTimeUTC);
    catch ( ParseException e )
      throw new IOException( "Invalid DMSP file: end date/time string <" + endDateTimeUTC + "> not parseable: " + e.getMessage() );
    this.endDateAtt = new Attribute( this.endDateAttName,
                                       DateFormatHandler.ISO_DATE_TIME.getDateTimeStringFromDate( this.endDate));

    // Read the local start/end date/time
    this.startDateLocalAtt = new Attribute( this.startDateLocalAttName,
                                            (String) HeaderInfoTitle.START_DATE_LOCAL.toString());
    this.startTimeLocalAtt = new Attribute( this.startTimeLocalAttName,
                                            (String) HeaderInfoTitle.START_TIME_LOCAL.toString());

    // Read the start latitude/longitude information.
    String startLatLon = (String) headerInfo.getHeaderInfoTitle.START_LAT_LON.toString());
    String[] latLon = startLatLon.split( " ");
    Double lat, lon;
    if ( latLon.length != 2) throw new IOException( "Invalid DMSP file: start lat/lon <" + startLatLon + "> invalid.");
      lat = Double.valueOf( latLon[0]);
      lon = Double.valueOf( latLon[1]);
    catch ( NumberFormatException e )
      throw new IOException( "Invalid DMSP file: start lat/lon string <" + startLatLon + "> not parseable: " + e.getMessage() );
    this.startLatitudeAtt = new Attribute( this.startLatitudeAttName, lat);
    this.startLongitudeAtt = new Attribute( this.startLongitudeAttName, lon);

    // Read the end latitude/longitude information.
    String endLatLon = (String) headerInfo.getHeaderInfoTitle.END_LAT_LON.toString());
    latLon = endLatLon.split( " ");
    if ( latLon.length != 2) throw new IOException( "Invalid DMSP file: end lat/lon <" + endLatLon + "> invalid.");
      lat = Double.valueOf( latLon[0]);
      lon = Double.valueOf( latLon[1]);
    catch ( NumberFormatException e )
      throw new IOException( "Invalid DMSP file: end lat/lon string <" + endLatLon + "> not parseable: " + e.getMessage() );
    this.endLatitudeAtt = new Attribute( this.endLatitudeAttName, lat);
    this.endLongitudeAtt = new Attribute( this.endLongitudeAttName, lon);

    // Read the start sub-solar coordinates.
    this.startSubsolarCoordsAtt = new Attribute( this.startSubsolarCoordsAttName,
                                                 (String) headerInfo.get( HeaderInfoTitle.START_SUBSOLAR_COORD.toString()));

    // Read the end sub-solar coordinates.
    this.endSubsolarCoordsAtt = new Attribute( this.endSubsolarCoordsAttName,
                                               (String) headerInfo.get( HeaderInfoTitle.END_SUBSOLAR_COORD.toString()));

    // Read the start lunar coordinates.
    this.startLunarCoordsAtt = new Attribute( this.startLunarCoordsAttName,
                                              (String) headerInfo.get( HeaderInfoTitle.START_LUNAR_COORD.toString()));

    // Read the end lunar coordinates.
    this.endLunarCoordsAtt = new Attribute( this.endLunarCoordsAttName,
                                            (String) headerInfo.get( HeaderInfoTitle.END_LUNAR_COORD.toString()));

    // Read the ascending node.
    Double ascendingNode = Double.valueOf( (String) headerInfo.get( HeaderInfoTitle.ASCENDING_NODE.toString()) );
    this.ascendingNodeAtt = new Attribute( this.ascendingNodeAttName, ascendingNode);

    Double nodeHeading = Double.valueOf( (String) headerInfo.get( HeaderInfoTitle.NODE_HEADING.toString()) );
    this.nodeHeadingAtt = new Attribute( this.nodeHeadingAttName, nodeHeading);
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Related Classes of$Attribute

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