Sentence alpha = negConnected.getFirst();
Sentence beta = negConnected.getSecond();
// ~(alpha ^ beta) equivalent to (~alpha V ~beta) (De Morgan)
if (Connectors.isAND(negConnected.getConnector())) {
// I need to ensure the ~s are moved in deeper
Sentence notAlpha = (Sentence) (new NotSentence(alpha)).accept(
this, arg);
Sentence notBeta = (Sentence) (new NotSentence(beta)).accept(
this, arg);
return new ConnectedSentence(Connectors.OR, notAlpha, notBeta);
// ~(alpha V beta) equivalent to (~alpha ^ ~beta) (De Morgan)
if (Connectors.isOR(negConnected.getConnector())) {
// I need to ensure the ~s are moved in deeper
Sentence notAlpha = (Sentence) (new NotSentence(alpha)).accept(
this, arg);
Sentence notBeta = (Sentence) (new NotSentence(beta)).accept(
this, arg);
return new ConnectedSentence(Connectors.AND, notAlpha, notBeta);
// in addition, rules for negated quantifiers:
if (negated instanceof QuantifiedSentence) {
QuantifiedSentence negQuantified = (QuantifiedSentence) negated;
// I need to ensure the ~ is moved in deeper
Sentence notP = (Sentence) (new NotSentence(
negQuantified.getQuantified())).accept(this, arg);
// ~FORALL x p becomes EXISTS x ~p
if (Quantifiers.isFORALL(negQuantified.getQuantifier())) {
return new QuantifiedSentence(Quantifiers.EXISTS,
negQuantified.getVariables(), notP);
// ~EXISTS x p becomes FORALL x ~p
if (Quantifiers.isEXISTS(negQuantified.getQuantifier())) {
return new QuantifiedSentence(Quantifiers.FORALL,
negQuantified.getVariables(), notP);
return new NotSentence((Sentence) negated.accept(this, arg));