Typically, a Color or ColorModel would be associated with an ICC Profile which is either an input, display, or output profile (see the ICC specification). There are other types of ICC Profiles, e.g. abstract profiles, device link profiles, and named color profiles, which do not contain information appropriate for representing the color space of a color, image, or device (see ICC_Profile). Attempting to create an ICC_ColorSpace object from an inappropriate ICC Profile is an error.
ICC Profiles represent transformations from the color space of the profile (e.g. a monitor) to a Profile Connection Space (PCS). Profiles of interest for tagging images or colors have a PCS which is one of the device independent spaces (one CIEXYZ space and two CIELab spaces) defined in the ICC Profile Format Specification. Most profiles of interest either have invertible transformations or explicitly specify transformations going both directions. Should an ICC_ColorSpace object be used in a way requiring a conversion from PCS to the profile's native space and there is inadequate data to correctly perform the conversion, the ICC_ColorSpace object will produce output in the specified type of color space (e.g. TYPE_RGB, TYPE_CMYK, etc.), but the specific color values of the output data will be undefined.
The details of this class are not important for simple applets, which draw in a default color space or manipulate and display imported images with a known color space. At most, such applets would need to get one of the default color spaces via ColorSpace.getInstance().
@see ColorSpace @see ICC_Profile