
Examples of

                         int width, int height)
            ColorModel srcCM = srcData.getColorModel();
            ColorModel dstCM = dstData.getColorModel();
            // REMIND: Should get RenderingHints from sg2d
            CompositeContext ctx = comp.createContext(srcCM, dstCM,
                                                      new RenderingHints(null));
            Raster srcRas = srcData.getRaster(srcx, srcy, width, height);
            WritableRaster dstRas =
                (WritableRaster) dstData.getRaster(dstx, dsty, width, height);

            if (clip == null) {
                clip = Region.getInstanceXYWH(dstx, dsty, width, height);
            int span[] = {dstx, dsty, dstx+width, dsty+height};
            SpanIterator si = clip.getSpanIterator(span);
            srcx -= dstx;
            srcy -= dsty;
            while (si.nextSpan(span)) {
                int w = span[2] - span[0];
                int h = span[3] - span[1];
                srcRas = srcRas.createChild(srcx + span[0], srcy + span[1],
                                            w, h, 0, 0, null);
                dstRas = dstRas.createWritableChild(span[0], span[1],
                                                    w, h, 0, 0, null);
                ctx.compose(srcRas, dstRas, dstRas);
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        ColorModel model = sg.getDeviceColorModel();
        PaintContext paintContext =
            sg.paint.createContext(model, devR, s.getBounds2D(),
        CompositeContext compositeContext =
            sg.composite.createContext(paintContext.getColorModel(), model,
        return new TileContext(sg, paintContext, compositeContext, model);
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    public void renderPathTile(Object ctx,
                               byte[] atile, int offset, int tilesize,
                               int x, int y, int w, int h) {
        TileContext context = (TileContext) ctx;
        PaintContext paintCtxt = context.paintCtxt;
        CompositeContext compCtxt = context.compCtxt;
        SunGraphics2D sg = context.sunG2D;

        Raster srcRaster = paintCtxt.getRaster(x, y, w, h);
        ColorModel paintModel = paintCtxt.getColorModel();

        Raster dstRaster;
        Raster dstIn;
        WritableRaster dstOut;

        SurfaceData sd = sg.getSurfaceData();
        dstRaster = sd.getRaster(x, y, w, h);
        if (dstRaster instanceof WritableRaster && atile == null) {
            dstOut = (WritableRaster) dstRaster;
            dstOut = dstOut.createWritableChild(x, y, w, h, 0, 0, null);
            dstIn = dstOut;
        } else {
            dstIn = dstRaster.createChild(x, y, w, h, 0, 0, null);
            dstOut = dstIn.createCompatibleWritableRaster();

        compCtxt.compose(srcRaster, dstIn, dstOut);

        if (dstRaster != dstOut && dstOut.getParent() != dstRaster) {
            if (dstRaster instanceof WritableRaster && atile == null) {
                ((WritableRaster) dstRaster).setDataElements(x, y, dstOut);
            } else {
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