Package aQute.bnd.osgi

Examples of aQute.bnd.osgi.Builder

        MultiMap<String,String> usedBy = new MultiMap<String,String>();
        Map<String,Set<Version>> bundleVersions = new HashMap<String,Set<Version>>();
        for (File inputFile : files) {
            if (inputFile.exists()) {
                try {
                    Builder builder;
                    if (inputFile.getName().endsWith(".bnd")) {
                        builder = setupBuilderForBndFile(inputFile);
                    } else {
                        builder = setupBuilderForJarFile(inputFile);
                    if (builder == null)
                    builderMap.put(inputFile, builder);
                    mergeCapabilities(exports, usedBy, bundleVersions, builder);
                } catch (CoreException e) {
                    logger.logError("Error in bnd resolution analysis.", e);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    logger.logError("Error in bnd resolution analysis.", e);

        // Merge together all the requirements, with access to the available
        // capabilities
        Map<String,List<ImportPackage>> imports = new HashMap<String,List<ImportPackage>>();
        Map<String,List<RequiredBundle>> requiredBundles = new HashMap<String,List<RequiredBundle>>();
        for (Entry<File,Builder> entry : builderMap.entrySet()) {
            Builder builder = entry.getValue();

            try {
                mergeRequirements(imports, exports, usedBy, requiredBundles, bundleVersions, builder);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block

        // Generate the final results
        Set<File> resultFiles = builderMap.keySet();
        resultFileArray = resultFiles.toArray(new File[resultFiles.size()]);

        importResults = new ArrayList<ImportPackage>();
        for (List<ImportPackage> list : imports.values()) {
        exportResults = new ArrayList<ExportPackage>();
        for (List<ExportPackage> list : exports.values()) {
        requiredBundleResults = new ArrayList<RequiredBundle>();
        for (List<RequiredBundle> list : requiredBundles.values()) {

        // Cleanup
        for (Builder builder : builderMap.values()) {

        // showResults(resultFileArray, importResults, exportResults);
        return Status.OK_STATUS;
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        // showResults(resultFileArray, importResults, exportResults);
        return Status.OK_STATUS;

    static Builder setupBuilderForJarFile(File file) throws IOException, CoreException {
        Builder builder = new Builder();
        Jar jar = new Jar(file);
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Plugin.PLUGIN_ID, 0, "Bnd analysis failed", e));
        return builder;
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        // Calculate the manifest
        try {
            Project bndProject = Central.getInstance().getModel(JavaCore.create(project));
            if (bndProject == null)
                return null;
            Builder builder;
            if (file.getName().equals(Project.BNDFILE)) {
                builder = bndProject.getSubBuilders().iterator().next();
            } else {
                builder = bndProject.getSubBuilder(file);

            if (builder == null) {
                builder = new Builder();
            return builder;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Plugin.PLUGIN_ID, 0, "Bnd analysis failed", e));
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            public void update(ViewerCell cell) {
                Object element = cell.getElement();

                if (element instanceof Builder) {
                    Builder builder = (Builder) element;
                    StyledString label = new StyledString(builder.getBsn(), StyledString.QUALIFIER_STYLER);
                } else {
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            FileUtils.writeFully(doc, bndFile, false);

    private void updateIncludeResourceIfNecessary(BndEditModel editModel, String blueprintrelativePath, IFile blueprintFile) throws Exception {
        Builder b = new Builder();
        try {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            for (String s : editModel.getIncludeResource()) {
            if (sb.length() > 0) {
                sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1);
            if (!b.isInScope(Collections.singleton(blueprintFile.getFullPath().toFile()))) {
        } finally {
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        Jar[] classpath ) throws MojoExecutionException
            File jarFile = new File( getBuildDirectory(), getBundleName( currentProject ) );
            Builder builder = buildOSGiBundle( currentProject, originalInstructions, properties, classpath );
            boolean hasErrors = reportErrors( "Bundle " + currentProject.getArtifact(), builder );
            if ( hasErrors )
                String failok = builder.getProperty( "-failok" );
                if ( null == failok || "false".equalsIgnoreCase( failok ) )

                    throw new MojoFailureException( "Error(s) found in bundle configuration" );

            // attach bundle to maven project
            builder.getJar().write( jarFile );

            Artifact mainArtifact = currentProject.getArtifact();

            if ( "bundle".equals( mainArtifact.getType() ) )
                // workaround for MNG-1682: force maven to install artifact using the "jar" handler
                mainArtifact.setArtifactHandler( m_artifactHandlerManager.getArtifactHandler( "jar" ) );

            boolean customClassifier = null != classifier && classifier.trim().length() > 0;
            boolean customPackaging = null != packaging && packaging.trim().length() > 0;

            if ( customClassifier && customPackaging )
                m_projectHelper.attachArtifact( currentProject, packaging, classifier, jarFile );
            else if ( customClassifier )
                m_projectHelper.attachArtifact( currentProject, jarFile, classifier );
            else if ( customPackaging )
                m_projectHelper.attachArtifact( currentProject, packaging, jarFile );
                mainArtifact.setFile( jarFile );

            if ( unpackBundle )
                unpackBundle( jarFile );

            if ( manifestLocation != null )
                File outputFile = new File( manifestLocation, "MANIFEST.MF" );

                    Manifest manifest = builder.getJar().getManifest();
                    ManifestPlugin.writeManifest( manifest, outputFile, niceManifest );
                catch ( IOException e )
                    getLog().error( "Error trying to write Manifest to file " + outputFile, e );

            // cleanup...
        catch ( MojoFailureException e )
            getLog().error( e.getLocalizedMessage() );
            throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error(s) found in bundle configuration", e );
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            properties.setProperty(Analyzer.PLUGIN, sb.toString());

        Builder builder = new Builder();
        synchronized ( BundlePlugin.class ) // protect setBase...getBndLastModified which uses static DateFormat
            builder.setBase( getBase( currentProject ) );
        builder.setProperties( sanitize( properties ) );
        if ( classpath != null )
            builder.setClasspath( classpath );

        return builder;
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    protected Builder buildOSGiBundle( MavenProject currentProject, Map originalInstructions, Properties properties,
        Jar[] classpath ) throws Exception
        Builder builder = getOSGiBuilder( currentProject, originalInstructions, properties, classpath );

        addMavenInstructions( currentProject, builder );;

        mergeMavenManifest( currentProject, builder );

        return builder;
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        instructions.put( "Export-Service", "p7.Foo;mk=mv" );
        instructions.put( "Import-Service", ";availability:=optional" );

        Properties props = new Properties();
        Builder builder = plugin.buildOSGiBundle( project, instructions, props, plugin.getClasspath( project ) );

        Manifest manifest = builder.getJar().getManifest();
        String expSvc = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue( Constants.EXPORT_SERVICE );
        String impSvc = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue( Constants.IMPORT_SERVICE );
        assertNotNull( expSvc );
        assertNotNull( impSvc );
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                throw new FileNotFoundException( file.getPath() );

        Builder analyzer = getOSGiBuilder( project, instructions, properties, classpath );

        analyzer.setJar( file );

        // calculateExportsFromContents when we have no explicit instructions defining
        // the contents of the bundle *and* we are not analyzing the output directory,
        // otherwise fall-back to addMavenInstructions approach

        boolean isOutputDirectory = file.equals( getOutputDirectory() );

        if ( analyzer.getProperty( Analyzer.EXPORT_PACKAGE ) == null
            && analyzer.getProperty( Analyzer.EXPORT_CONTENTS ) == null
            && analyzer.getProperty( Analyzer.PRIVATE_PACKAGE ) == null && !isOutputDirectory )
            String export = calculateExportsFromContents( analyzer.getJar() );
            analyzer.setProperty( Analyzer.EXPORT_PACKAGE, export );

        addMavenInstructions( project, analyzer );

        // if we spot Embed-Dependency and the bundle is "target/classes", assume we need to rebuild
        if ( analyzer.getProperty( DependencyEmbedder.EMBED_DEPENDENCY ) != null && isOutputDirectory )
            analyzer.mergeManifest( analyzer.getJar().getManifest() );
            analyzer.getJar().setManifest( analyzer.calcManifest() );

        mergeMavenManifest( project, analyzer );

        return analyzer;
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Related Classes of aQute.bnd.osgi.Builder

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