A wrapper for class java.sql.SQLException.
java.sql.SQLExceptions can be chained together, but the code catching it has to take care of enumerating through the chain. This is inconvenient when using getMessage() as it only returns information about the first exception within the chain.
KFM_SQLException wraps the SQLException chain and offers a more convenient getMessage() method.
Caveat: The getSQLState() and getErrorCode() methods still return the error code and SQL state of the first exception only. Caveat: Calling getNextException() returns null. The SQLException chain is not (!!!) converted to a corresponding KFM_SQLException chain. To get access to the (original) chain use getSQLExceptionChain().
KFM_SQLException also stores the statement (as a string) that caused the exception.
creation date: 99 06 08
renamed class from KFMSqlException to KFM_SQLException.
added access to the statement string and the original SQLException chain.
@author h
@version 1.0 (2000 02 23)
@version 0.1 (99 06 08)